Every day or so a bright spot appears in my email — a photo post from our Elkhorn friend Steve K who settled in Tucson. The charming fellow pictured here is a Wilson’s warbler. Steve explains, “It shouldn’t be here this time of year. In the summer this bird lives in the far north — all across northern Canada and Alaska. In winter, it spends its time on the Caribbean and Pacific Coasts of Mexico. It’s migration routes pass through Arizona so it’s no surprise they would be dropping in … this little guy seems to have decided that the Tucson area is as good a winter home as is any.”

If you haven’t found a spot to fly and perch for your winter or spring getaway, consider the sunny southwest, the Tucson area and a guest ranch vacation at Elkhorn Ranch! We have scattered openings throughout the spring every week except the February and Easter school holidays (February 16-23 and April 13-20, 2014). Many weeks are primarily adult oriented, others more family oriented. We’ll help you find a perfect time!